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تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية Arjwan_swEKMSEx2f
اللهم صلي وسلم على سيدنا محمد
أهلا وسهلا بضيفنا الكريم منتديات مسعد سعيدة بكم
اتفضل ان شاء الله تفيد وتستفيد

تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية Arjwan_gbRuPoT7HU

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منتديات مسعد

تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية Arjwan_swEKMSEx2f
اللهم صلي وسلم على سيدنا محمد
أهلا وسهلا بضيفنا الكريم منتديات مسعد سعيدة بكم
اتفضل ان شاء الله تفيد وتستفيد

تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية Arjwan_gbRuPoT7HU

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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
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منتدى يهتم بنشر كل مايخص مدينة مسعد...اضافة للعلوم والمعرفة

2 مشترك

    تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية


    عدد الرسائل : 96
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29/11/2007

    تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية Empty تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية

    مُساهمة من طرف AMIN الخميس فبراير 07, 2008 10:03 pm

    Air pollution The air is all gaseous mixture filling the earth's atmosphere, including the water vapor, and consists basis In order to balance the environment, and continue decreasing oxygen wisdom God wants to plant compensation this waste through the process of building optical, where the water interacts with carbon dioxide in the presence of light energy absorbed by the plant through the green of chlorophyll and therefore the wisdom of God impact Without great wonderful plants to be able to live after running out of oxygen in the respiration and combustion, in the presence of any living organism on land or at sea, if that aquatic plants also in the process of building optical, and supplying water, which dissolves the oxygen required to breathe every marine organisms. (This show why God created him, but who are evil-doers in the shadows indicated) Lokman - er 11 Man of modern times came and destroyed forests, and challenged the busy green spaces and industrial plants receive enormous amounts of fumes in the sky, and all that the worst effects alleged air and the balance of the environment, and if up to the figures for a global, it will flinch from inflation pollution, carbon dioxide was injected Percentage volume is about 0029% at the end of the last century, has gone to the 0033% in 1970 and is expected to reach more than 0038% in in 2000, but this increase is very bad effects on the ecological balance. Definition of air pollution: Is the existence of any material solid, liquid or gaseous air quantities lead to physiological damage and economic vitality of man, animal and plant, machinery and equipment, or affect the nature of things and estimated annual loss of the world around 5000 million, due to the impact of air, crops and agricultural plants. The air pollution of the worst air pollutants, and the greater the number of people in the contaminated area. Over the course of history and punish Ages was not spared from air pollution to enter the strange materials, eg by fumes that were emerging from the barrels of volcanoes, or produced from burning forests, Kalaterph and micro-organisms causing diseases, but not by the quantity dire consequences, but was in expanded rights to avoid or even endured, but the problem has emerged with industrialization and the spread of the industrial revolution in the world, and then with this terrible increase in the number of population, the increasing number of means of transportation and development, and adoption of the vehicle resulting from the distillation of petroleum fuel, and perhaps the car is the worst causes pollution air despite being the need of the necessities of modern life, are blown large quantities of gases that pollute the atmosphere, little poisonous carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and ozone. [B] methods of air pollution [/ b] First: solid materials outstanding: vanish, and the exhaust Cat, dust, pollen, cotton dust, and soil cement, soil insecticides. Second: gaseous material or toxic fumes and severe, such as chlorine, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone. Third: brown and germs, citing output from the decomposition of plants and animals dead and a human waste. Fourth: atomic radiation natural and industrial:. This showed contamination with the beginning of the use of corn in the different spheres of life, especially in the areas: military, industrial, and publicly all still recall the enormous uproar that occurred because of the bubble in one of the famous atomic reactors state (Pennsylvania), USA, and the incident explosion of atomic bombs on ( Nagasaki and Hiroshima) during the Second World War too distant future, what the effects of pollution to the list today, and still image maimed and injured scores alive, located Balabadan, has emerged after types and types of pollutants example element strontium 90, which result from nuclear explosions exists almost everywhere, increasing with the increase in the quantity of nuclear testing, which falls on trees and pastures, flies you to sheep and cattle, including the rights which affect the productivity of milk cows and cattle, and damages the bone, causing many diseases and dangerous nuclear explosions lie in the dust emitted from the atomic bombing sites where atomic decay by gravity, or by rain polluting everything and destroy everything. In that light, or can decide to interpret the suffering that has been dissolved Bakom Lot Jesus peace be upon him that, the rain polluted radioactive materials, and not so far away land containing some radioactive rocks like Alapthiblnd These rocks found for thousands of years, Fifth: pollution-mail: It is the latest trend in the area of pollution, which results in areas that produce about electronic devices from the electric bell, the radio and television, and the end to the satellite, where the space around us is full of radio waves and electromagnetic waves, etc., and these areas affect the nerve cells of the human brain, and possibly the source for some cases of non-equilibrium, cases of chronic headaches, which means medical fail in clinical diagnosis, and perhaps changes in the climate these days, where we see very hot days in the winter, extremely cold days in the summer, probably due to all electronic pollution in the air around us, particularly after the proliferation of thousands of satellites around the Earth.
    علي عمر

    عدد الرسائل : 241
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/11/2007

    تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية Empty رد: تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية

    مُساهمة من طرف علي عمر السبت فبراير 09, 2008 10:47 pm

    تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية 22222210

    تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية Empty رد: تلوث الهواء ترجمة للانجليزية

    مُساهمة من طرف زائر السبت مارس 15, 2008 10:38 pm

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